Monday 28 April 2014

Unicorn Vector Tracing Project (Illustrator)

We had to pick 1 out of 4 pictures for a vector tracing and colouring in project. I chose the Unicorn.
Here are some progress screenshots and the final product.

 - Original Template

- Outline Vector traced using pen tool. Making anchors at the points roughly then using the Convert Anchor tool to curve them.

- Copied the vector in a separate layer, turned it into a Live Paint Object and filled in the base colours using the live paint bucket.

-Turned down the opacity down to %50 and traced more of the vectors, starting with the wing. Used both blob brush and pen tool.

- Vectors added to hair

-Opacity of the base colours set back from %50 to %100. Added vectors to the body.

- Vectors added to the tail.

- Finished Vector Work without Highlights.

- Finished Vector work with highlights (Made quickly using blob brush.

- Finished Vector work with highlights (Blob Brush vectors with Gaussian blur.)

End Note: Tracing each vector with the pen tool on the wing and hair too forever to do but I really liked the outcome. The amount of time spent making the vectors alone was a bunch of practice that's really getting me into using Illustrator more for line-art. Highlights were insignificant, time-wise, took about 5-10 mins, tops to do.

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