Monday 28 April 2014

Unicorn Vector Tracing Project (Illustrator)

We had to pick 1 out of 4 pictures for a vector tracing and colouring in project. I chose the Unicorn.
Here are some progress screenshots and the final product.

 - Original Template

- Outline Vector traced using pen tool. Making anchors at the points roughly then using the Convert Anchor tool to curve them.

- Copied the vector in a separate layer, turned it into a Live Paint Object and filled in the base colours using the live paint bucket.

-Turned down the opacity down to %50 and traced more of the vectors, starting with the wing. Used both blob brush and pen tool.

- Vectors added to hair

-Opacity of the base colours set back from %50 to %100. Added vectors to the body.

- Vectors added to the tail.

- Finished Vector Work without Highlights.

- Finished Vector work with highlights (Made quickly using blob brush.

- Finished Vector work with highlights (Blob Brush vectors with Gaussian blur.)

End Note: Tracing each vector with the pen tool on the wing and hair too forever to do but I really liked the outcome. The amount of time spent making the vectors alone was a bunch of practice that's really getting me into using Illustrator more for line-art. Highlights were insignificant, time-wise, took about 5-10 mins, tops to do.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Canyon Scene Assignment. (Making the Objects)

 Have 2 weeks off Tafe. Decided to go anyway and not waste it.

Here are some progress screens.

 - Created a box, made even dimensions (WxL). Removed the bottom faces. Added an "Edit Poly" & "Noise" Modifier. Then I shaped it using soft selection on the faces/vertexes and free-form brushes

 - Created a plane, same WxL dimensions as the box. Formed mountains around the pit on the box by hiding and showing the box every so often as I was forming to make sure they we're in the right place. Added a noise mod for a rough, rigged look.

- Both the plane and box shown in this screen. Notice how the plane is covering the pit.

- Change perspective and delete the faces cutting into and cover the pit leaving the mountains untouched.

- Looks much cleaner :)

- Now time to rock!

Start with a normal sphere. Dimensions shouldn't matter as long as it's smaller than the environment.

Put him into another layer for ease.

- Technically I made a boo-boo here.

It would of made more sense to not change the z-scale yet since I can I'm making a bunch of copies of this one anyway that change later after the modifiers. That way I can make it more variations of rocks.

- Continued anyway.

Added a noise modifier.

- Another screen.

It's good to note that if you make the scale too low some of the vertexes will clip through the faces.

That can cause problems while adding materials.

- Add that sucker.

Just made quick copies by alt-dragging the rock after placing it.

Then I went back and changed the seed value in the "Noise" modifier and changed the scale size on each rock to make variations.

- After adding the basic stuff and rotating and fitting it together.

Clearing the usual stuff gave me the idea of doing a sand canyon, so I added some pyramids, using the pyramid polygon, to reinforce the idea.

- Finished, Untextured product. Added some obelisks by making very short, small pyramids the extruding the bottoms using a "Edit Poly" modifier.

---End Note: I made a canyon earlier using a plane poly. but just found it terrible to work with. So I started again and found boxes are easier to work with for some reason. Really like what I ended up with. I might added a rocky arch/bridge over the pit later on as a separate poly.

All that's left is to add a matte painting, skydome, the space ship and to texture it all. Oh boy......

Sunday 13 April 2014

Flash CS6 Masking Practice.

-Early Stage

-Mask Layer with the pattern moving underneath in a
classic tween. Graphics put into a movie-clip symbol.

- Moved, Flipped and copied the symbols to form the
kaleidoscope effect.
Finished Product:

I loving this technique. Might be my favourite effect in flash.
Definitely going to do more and see what other things I can do.
[EDITED NOTE]: Don't know how to turn .swfs into animated gifs. So this will have to do.

Regarding Fortnightly Updates...

I think I might scrap the fornightly update post and just do it when I feel like it.
This will probably be the last one since there wasn't a whole lot to talk about.

I'll probably be adding small notes to progress screenshots as updates but that's about it.
Look forward to it?

Wednesday 2 April 2014

3D Building Composition

Opps! Apparently the scanner is broken. Have a new render I did today.

-3DS Max Render Without any other objects or effects.


 -3DS Max Matte Render

-3DS Max AO Render

-3DS Max Render With lights, camera and a box with a back-face cull and normals flipped for the background

 -Final Photoshop Composition with AO.

- Matte helped to change the brightness of the building itself without affecting the background.

- If you look closely, there is a checker material on the giant dark blue bits of the arms.

I definitely think my city is going to have a certain colour scheme, seeing as I've made most of my objects blue and silver chrome.