Friday 28 February 2014

Fortnightly Blog Entry/Update #1

Hey! Welcome to my first ever blog post. I have created a blog to post updates, build a portfolio and help establish a network for myself and others. I will be posting various concepts, ideas, screenshots and finished work to this blog to help build it up for people to view.

These fortnightly updates will be written to just update on what I'm currently doing. Some will be more personal than others. Maybe even ranting. Pretty much general stuff.

Initially this blog was made as part of a TAFE assessment, but I guess there is no harm in keeping it and working on it for personal reasons.

Since I don't have much work to show off yet, I guess this blog post will be mainly a introduction to my experience of my first 4 weeks at eCentral Tafe as well as some background on who I am.

Daniel Robin Cherrin. My first name was given to me by my father, taken from the bible. I myself am not religious but acknowledge almost all religions. I attended Hillcrest Primary School and John Forrest Secondary College. I like to eat 24/7, especially if it's sweets. I have a flurry of friends with various personalities and backgrounds who I all care for. I'm now currently studying for a Diploma of Screen and Media (Animation) at Tafe.

In my first week, as anyone else at a new place, I was very shy and hesitant to talk to others. I'm known to be very shy towards people I barely know and the more mature atmosphere of tafe can be very intimidating. However, I found the lecturers and staff to be very friendly, which helped me (And I'm guessing many others) settles in comfortably, especially since it's my first year. They have a great sense of humor and make the school work seem less of a chore.

I've made a handful of friends and finished about 2 assessments so far in my first 4 weeks. My personal interests tie in so well with what I'm studying that I've found myself doing extra works and refining my new-found skills.

So far, I'm loving tafe. Which is a big change from High School.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're having a super happy fun time, Daniel.
    It only gets better from here (but then, I may be somewhat biased.)
