Tuesday 17 June 2014

End of semester post.

Yay. We did it? I think so.

Here is a mandatory end of semester post about my thoughts.

I actually enjoyed tafe a lot. Despite my terrible habit of procrastinating I found myself still doing bits of works on various projects over time instead of rushing the night before. My favorite classes were probably 3D most likely because I'm not very good at drawing at the moment. Despite that I've actually practiced doing some 2d art and have got better over the past semester, still plenty of room for improvement.

Out of school I have been working and saving up for a new computer to help me do 3d work since this computer is fairly old and can't really handle it. So yeah. Expect some new 3d work later this year.

I'm also thinking on doing various tutorials over the holidays and making it a habit to do one everyday when I get the better computer.

That's about as much as I can squeeze out of the lemon that is my brain. Maybe I'll start doing more posts as project progress :).

Character Animation Project.

Character Animation Project:

End note: Could of made a lot more sense out of the lighting but ran out of time. Have issue using locked fills and transforming contour points. Super annoying to colour.